"ICBUILD: boosting the internationalisation for circularity in the building environment” is a European Strategic Cluster Partnership project that aims to contribute to the realization of a circular economy in the construction industry by promoting internationalization.

Construction SMEs achieve many sustainable development goals without realizing that, but with our project we can help them to do more! 

The ICBUILD consortium, which brings together Polish, Hungarian, Italian, Serbian and Slovenian clusters, among them it includes Archenerg Cluster, aims to support the internationalization of complex circular solutions integrated into the construction value chain in third-country markets such as Canada, India, Mexico, the United Arab Emirates and Brazil.

At present we are measuring the needs of the construction SMES. The online questionnaire is available at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScHjGmeamSfM3WentCna32kp5dpYwJh5rp3GHDuQGIG9tgdvA/viewform

By completing the survey, you can greatly contribute to our work and provide important support to develop tools/services aiding the establishment of international companies, stimulating the participation in domestic and international conferences, workshops, providing assistance in negotiations and other services within the framework of the project!

If you are also interested in the future business trip to the target countries, please contact our colleagues:

Patrícia Mérei: merei.patricia@gmail.com

Ágnes Gonda: agnesg@archenerg.eu

More information about the ICBuild : https://icbuild.eu/