Higher education in economics
Private institution

The newest member of the ATALANTA education group of companies, with a history of more than twenty years, is the college, which, with its antecedents, has significant experience in the field of public education and adult education. It was the needs of the students that laid the foundation for the establishment of the college, where they could continue their studies within the framework of higher education in the high quality and methods they are already accustomed to at Atalanta.

In addition to the education and training program of the Sándor Wekerle Business College (hereinafter WSUF), its institutional structure was also created specifically for BA training. With its overlapping training system, the Atalanta Group is unique in the Hungarian education structure, as its training structure is built from the bottom up and implements the requirements of building on each other and interoperability between different training levels.

The number of graduates in Hungarian higher education in economics is obviously oversized, and the placement of graduates is becoming increasingly difficult. However, despite the quantitative oversupply, there are still not enough economists who speak foreign languages ​​well, have a good theoretical foundation, are well acquainted with the principles of international economic relations and the operation of the public sector, and have practical problem-solving skills. WSUF intends to respond to these challenges as a private institution, while providing its students with a state-recognized diploma.

